Integrity Indicators

4 out of 4
  • Has multiple bidders
  • No disputes from bidders or outsiders
  • Sellers have not recently made any political party donations
  • Bidding period is adequate

Estimated Cost


Actual Cost



33 days


18 bidders


17 bids


0 disputes
Process TypeOpen procedure
Offers Revealed At
Showing board-level people associated with the buyer and seller organizations 12 months prior up to 12 months after the procurement process. Also shown are their political affiliations and donations within the same period.


EstoniaPraktov OÜ

1. PMA - Praktov OÜ (Oldoja, Saksoja kraavikaevetööd)

Signed with completion deadline .

est. €16,941.20

EstoniaOsaühing Saamela

10. PMA - Osaühing Saamela (Lõve jõe, Oitme jõe, Soonda oja kraavikaevetööd)

Signed with completion deadline .

est. €51,368.30

Estoniaosaühing Nivoo

11. PMA - Osaühing Nivoo (Rõhu oja kraavikaevetööd)

Signed with completion deadline .

est. €6,458


12. PMA - AS VALMAP GRUPP (Sangla pkr, Väiso pkr kraavikaevetööd)

Signed with completion deadline .

est. €11,343.80


13. PMA - OÜ MELIOR-M (Sanglasoo pkr kraavikaevetööd)

Signed with completion deadline .

est. €4,696


2. PMA - OÜ KEMEHH (Ala kraavi kraavikaevetööd)

Signed with completion deadline .

est. €10,483.90


3. PMA - OÜ MEILETOP (Kurgoja, Korgisilla oja, Naelavere pkr, Keeni oja, Viira oja, Künnapa oja, Ahelo jõe kraavikaevetööd)

Signed with completion deadline .

est. €51,654.50

EstoniaOsaühing Vändra MP

4. PMA - Osaühing Vändra MP (Vaali pkr, Humalaste jõe kraavikaevetööd)

Signed with completion deadline .

est. €51,927.50

EstoniaGreenPower OÜ

5. PMA - GreenPower OÜ (Mustjõe kraavikaevetööd)

Signed with completion deadline .

est. €7,240

EstoniaOsaühing Rakvere Põllumajandustehnika

6. PMA - Osaühing Rakvere Põllumajandustehnika (Põriki oja kraavikaevetööd)

Signed with completion deadline .

est. €6,037

EstoniaOsaühing Paimre

7. PMA - Osaühing Paimre (Naravere oja kraavikaevetööd)

Signed with completion deadline .

est. €14,445

Estoniaaktsiaselts Lihula Maaparandus

8. PMA - Aktsiaselts Lihula Maaparandus (Ridalepa oja kraavikaevetööd)

Signed with completion deadline .

est. €10,005

EstoniaMatteron OÜ

9. PMA - Matteron OÜ (Ullaste pkr, Vara oja kraavikaevetööd)

Signed with completion deadline .

est. €17,115