Integrity Indicators

2 out of 3
  • No disputes from bidders or outsiders
  • Sellers have not recently made any political party donations
  • Bidding period is associated with an increased risk factor

Estimated Cost


Actual Cost



14 days


0 bidders


0 bids


0 disputes

Izstrādāt būvprojekta tehniskos risinājumus pazemes ūdeņu ierobežošanai ēkas cokolstāvā un grunts atbalsta sienas atjaunošanai ēkas pagalma pusē Gaujas ielā 17. Cēsīs, Cēsu novadā.

Process TypeUnknown
Offers Revealed At
Showing board-level people associated with the buyer and seller organizations 12 months prior up to 12 months after the procurement process. Also shown are their political affiliations and donations within the same period.


LatviaSIA "Enviroprojekts"

award-1. Būvprojekta ,,Pazemes ūdeņu ierobežošanas pasākumu īstenošana, Cēsu 1.pamatskolas ēkai Gaujas ielā 17, Cēsīs, Cēsu novadā” izstrāde un autoruzraudzība.

Signed .

est. €10,580